A Memory of Happiness (2025)

When you have Fate on your side... You have everything!

The year 2025 has a special energy of LOVE


A special year 2025 for love and its ways…

Bring back a beautiful memory or several once created and create a future duality with a specific person.

The numerological code Lucky Memory has been modified in the calculation items for 2025 and thus in the addition of the frequencies of the special lucky record in this most important part, where the memory will be able to activate faster…

Time zone: 14 days BECAUSE OF THE YEAR OF DAMAGE and FAIRY SEASON, because of the coming together of all the past years, where this love story of yours is also at home somewhere.

  • 5 is also happiness in love
  • 14 is unexpected
  • 2025 is destiny at a turning point
  • Do you have a memory you want to relive?
  • Do you have a wish for a specific person and memory?
  • Has the memory and the person receded from your life?
  • Have memories been lost in your relationship and do you want them back?
  • Has your story collapsed and are you looking for a way to get it back?

Then the activation of the numerology code is a MEMORY OF HAPPINESS for you.

A special happy record of two people

If it exists in the birth dates, the path of this love story will open up, no matter what situation you are in at the moment.

When memories activate the present

Within the whole year, because of the number 9, which is the highest level of destiny, wisdom, knowledge, turning point, and beyond 8, which was last year as the energy of the destiny of time, THAT MOMENT is being created for you-for your story-that changes everything.

Every day in the numerological year 2025 has a binary conjunction if it has a record.

Activating this code will open special lucky records.

Activating this code will have both what the first event or part of the first event will be and what will happen in the code message.

The activation of this code in 2025 because of the added frequencies to the duality, because the year allows them and connects 2024 as the energy of the past, is for your story, which can become the greatest confession of love.

The activation of this code is, because of the order of the numbers, the stage of memory that opens a return, a recognition, a new beginning.

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When two birth dates are out of sync, they lose themselves and each other.

It can start very slowly, with a shift in energies and a feeling of coldness or vagueness.

Then one of the birth dates is already falling into coherence, while the other date has no power to hold the beautiful energy that made two people create a memory, memories.

When a third person is involved in the synchronisation of two persons, one person finds himself in the position of an observer and no longer an actor of fortune, at which point the birth date of that person falls beyond his destiny point and karmic mirror.

It happens that in the story of love, persons who are opposed to the relationship, to happiness, get involved, then the person opposite you falls in energy and withdraws, even though the desire lives behind you.

Only the numerological code Memory of Fortune has the power and ability with its frequencies that are 2025 specific to bring back the memory if two people are still connected through destiny as twin flame partners, however, different scenarios of break-up, loss, ambiguity have happened.

If it is linked to the code of DESIRE in stories where there are problems or indeed a blockage, silence, it has no limits and has its own special horizon of happiness that breaks all limits.

How memory will be triggered

2 dates

At least 1 really great memory

Finding and activating a specific lucky record

They will, through the establishment of frequencies in your phone, make the transfer of energies to the other side and thus create a bridge that is not there now, first to re-establish contact and then through the action of frequencies in the time zone, 5 is also the energy of love and 14 is unexpectedly able to connect a beginning and if there is a SPECIAL HAPPY RECORD in your story and therefore in your birth date numbers, this code will activate it, revive it, bring it back, offer a new beginning, and somewhere a really big decision.

2025 is a year of destiny and a turning point.

It is the sum of all the years.

This is the year when the LOVE STORY can really happen and most importantly REMAIN.

Where to save the code Memory of happiness

The code Memory of Happiness can ONLY be stored ON YOUR PHONE, because that is where most of the memory’s contact relations are, be it through conversations, messages, photos, social networks, the phone number of two people.


  • Home screen
  • Image gallery,
  • Lock screen
  • Icon
  • Phone book (code as picture, code numbers as phone number, name as code name)

Memories when activated

Yes, because frequencies connect 2 once created records to awaken it, return it, embrace it and open the way to the future.
Those special loves will get their big recognition100%
Many triangles will become binomials100%
Many singular nouns will become dual again100%
Those memories in activation where 2 people have a linked happy record in 2025100%

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