Desire (2025)

The most frequently activated classical numerological code WISH in 2024 is given a special frequency of fast passage of events

Classical numerology code also most frequently activated in 2024


The numerology code Desire was also most frequently activated in 2024.

Special in its energies of happening and in 2025, due to 9 being the last number in numerology and thus a wave of great turning points, a SPECIAL FREQUENCY is added alongside all frequencies ; the GETTING TRANSITION, for a faster and even more targeted targeting of desire.

  • Do you have a direct request?
  • Do you want change ?
  • Are you looking for a quick event to make a wish come true ?
  • Is the wish independent?
  • Is it connected to the person on the other side?
  • Is it linked to a future event?
  • Is it linked to a person and an event at the same time?
  • Is it connected to the energy of the past and are you looking for fulfilment in the present?
  • Do you want to make it a reality by breaking through the event ?
  • Do you have a direct request without too many loads ? ( if the loads of your story are high, you have to link the code to another code )
  • Do you want to open the hitherto closed path to it?
  • Is this wish important to you ?

Then activating the WISH code is the right choice for you when you need it.

New important frequency added

The frequency of the rapid passage and the withdrawal of waiting, lost, uncertain, undefined.

What happens when your wish is opened

The numerological wish code includes several frequencies of events through a phone number, a person, an event, a message once created, a picture, a record, etc.

Remember that the basis for your frequency line in all codes, not just this one, is always your date of birth, and somewhere in the story, so is the date of other people.

In the calculation, the area or event that is activated first is selected because of the first connection and therefore the event.


In 2025 we are at 9, which is the greatest change, turning point, turning point and therefore a special frequency is added; the Rapid Transition of events and with this the line of time and its speed will be activated.

In order to trigger the activation targeting the wish, a specific combination is selected in the calculation, which is the activation of the wish and its story.

A special numerological code where the word impossible does not exist


In the calculation, a part of your phone number is chosen (the determination of the frequency of the story, which is the desire), because it is also through this determination that the activation is then converted into action.And it is here that the part of your phone number triggers the story of the desire.

The other data in the calculation then scatter the target frequencies at your wish to open it.

The added frequency will wrap around the whole of your calculation and prioritise the opening speed,

Operating time zone 11 days

The 11 days of action remain in 2025 because fate will have a fantastic power of action through Saturn; 4 and and the inner workings of 2025; 7.

It will retract lessons, it will take off the mantle of karma where it is needed and where it is an obstacle, and it will activate a great turning point, a great turning, a change in the line of your desire.


Some of thecalculated codes also include TIME OF EVENT (day or week) or PLACE OF EVENT (where you will be when the wish opens or is fully realised)

This message, or time or place of the event, is a prediction of your future.

It is the beginning so that the DESIRE can be realised.

As the numerological code Desire has a frequency in it in the hours of the event, expect things to happen really fast and then intertwine until they come true.

Even when the Wish comes true, you do not delete the code until you receive the last hint in your e-mail, because it is 11 days USODA and during that time it lays the foundations for the future of the Wish, not just its realisation.

What's so special about it once you activate it

Frequencies target the TARGET of an event, person or related.

With the new frequency added, this transition will be faster and, above all, stronger.

It is a special interplay of frequencies in the algorithm of numbers that trigger events.

Everything you tick in the calculation of the DESIRE code is the sum of everything, and thus the determination of the frequencies you need to make your desire happen.

The date of birth can go into a blockage in a certain time zone, which means that negative reactions, events, complications, waits and even endings are happening.

Every date of birth is its own story and when there is a drop in the timeline of events ( at two numbers of the date of birth ) what starts to happen is that you lose…

In addition, the fall is then determined generationally, because fate at a good point in the date of birth has no power and works the opposite of good.

That’s when the losses start to happen, the waiting, the indecision, the inability to make good decisions, the uncertainty that destroys self-confidence, etc.
And suddenly the date of birth finds itself at a point where everything is going in the opposite direction from the DESIRE.

Then the numerological code WISH must be activated to trigger the target to rise and open the flow to the person, event or related.

Where to save the WISH code

Save the Wish code in a place that is important to YOU, as the frequencies work with your activity on the device you have chosen.

The code works best on your phone, as any activity on your phone speeds up the transmission of the target frequencies of your wish.

Because 2025 is such a powerful year, such an unpredictable cycle of months, and so distinct, all these energies will be duplicated wherever the DESIRE code is stored.

For business preferences, you can save the code on your computer or tablet at the same time.

Remember that 1 WISH code can always be activated on different devices.

  • Phone: home wallpaper, lock screen, phone book (code graphic as picture, code entry as adding phone number to phone book, code name as name in phone book), image gallery, icon.
  • Computer (for business preferences): save as desktop wallpaper or as an image file.
  • Tablet: Gallery, Android: My Files or File Manager, Apple: Files folder -> Downloads.

The code of DESIRE and its power

It works on the past, the present and the future. It works on big changes in 2025. It works on turning points when you need them. It works on a person, an event or a related situation. It works on your desire in a targeted way. It works like a miracle when you need it. It represents that extraordinary opportunity that cannot realise itself. If you don't activate it, you can't know what extraordinary power it has once it is activated.
Opening a direct wish that doesn't have too much load ( if it does then activating another code is necessary for the success you want )100%
Exceptional speed of action due to the addition of a new frequency; Transition of action100%
A wish that has energy when it comes to the future100%
The power of big change100%

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