Questions and answers


Before you look at what you need, according to your story, it is very important that throughout the current year the MAIN CODES are activated , starting their time zones in February and ending in December, as the latter create the extraordinary power of the time zone we are in, in a period where all and several different frequency points to success are activated.

The examples below are combinations of the classic codes.
Once the main code is activated, it is enough to face only one classic code next to it, unless it is a really serious situation.
Then follow the activation procedure: the main code and the two classic codes.

Do I have to have a master code if I still have a classic code ? Which code should I choose if my partner is cheating on me?

If the story is complicated, it MUST be, because each major time zone operates in its own rhythms, meridians, frequencies and as such puts you, your story, on the GRAND SCALE. By activating the MAIN CODE and adding the classical code, you create a connection that clears the stagnation, the loss, the uncertainty and in parallel opens up the great opportunity of what you desire.

We went our separate ways, but communication was restored, and now nothing. What am I not doing right ? Which code should I choose if I have an important exam or interview?

If the code is activated, then wait and don’t take the wrong steps in your impatience. If the story is complicated or has the weight of a third party or fear of a relationship, then it is imperative to link the main code, if in the time zone, and the classical code to unburden your birth date and, on the other hand, to do the same, and to make contact. Immediately after contact in such stories, the 1 code closest to the story is always activated to keep the balance and further open the path.

Does the code really work ?What do I activate if my business is collapsing?

Each numerology code works, the related ones have more power, the main numerology codes are a special story and if on your date of birth there was once a record of success in business, in exams, in the work environment, happiness with a certain person, community, then through the frequencies this record will be awakened and activated.

Why is the date of birth record not activated by itself ?What do I activate if I want a contract signed, a good business interview or confirmation of something that is already in progress?

The record cannot activate by itself because of your not having the numbers in your date of birth in time and space, because of your past mistakes, steps that should not have been taken, which the date of birth has in its memory and are not necessarily related to what you want now. That is why a record created in the past fails to activate itself. It can open doors, it is true, but it often closes them further when it chooses to do so.

Should I keep going with the codes, because it seems to be going, and it's great, and it stops, and I'm back in the fall ?What do I activate if I want the other side to take a step?

Codes give what your date of birth cannot. The mistakes that most make is that once the happiness comes to fruition, they do not continue with the codes and if the birthdate still has no fluidity then there is a step or steps backwards without the codes. To the point of making the codes or the code activated or one more step back. Unfortunately we cannot influence our date of birth but we can help it with the codes and thus open up fluidity for ourselves, for the story, for the person opposite, for the events.

Is it possible that my date of birth has ever been influenced by third parties or that someone did not wish me well ? What do I activate if my life is falling apart?

It is a very thankless subject, honestly. The fact is that at some point in time your date of birth could be exposed to the bad intentions of other parties. If at that time your date of birth was placed on the karmic line, your path may have become more complicated or difficult for a longer period. It is also quite possible that one area may not have brought you good fortune, even though it may have looked like it would.

Perhaps I should have said that your date of birth, with its genetic record in time and space, did not once break that record.

Is it possible to find out when my date of birth was cursed ?What do I activate for official matters that have a history and are not resolved?

No, but you can travel back in your mind, which will lead you to that event, and to events afterwards in your life, your story, in you, which may then have performed the ritual of the curse with the help of a third person. Here it is really important that the codes are activated. First of all it is necessary to activate the main code if it is available in the time zone, then the Emergency code to clear the restlessness in you and then the Desire code where you mark: Breakthrough Event to remove the static state you are in. I should point out that the process here is often longer and the codes need to be activated several times in sequence to release your birth date from the curse.

Is it possible that a third party has done something to my person and which code should I activate ?Why is the master code so important to activate?

Anything is possible in this world. First of all, it is important to realise that the rituals of magic are always very unpredictable. Often they are not understood, but they are experienced. Try the Master Code if available and the Desire Code; mark Change to connect the frequencies into the clearing if anything has been done and then change happens on the other side due to your energy flowing.

I'm not lucky in love ?When is it enough to activate only 1 classic code ?

A prolonged state of emotional dissatisfaction means that your date of birth is in a two-year cycle where the future is happening and not happening. Your date of birth has one of your parents on the destiny and karmic line through the person; if you are a woman then your father, if you are a man then your mother, which opens up the line of their past paths and there is a deadlock in your life and thus the happiness to remain.

Business-wise, I feel they are working behind my back. Which Code should I use ?

If there are several people and this happens for a long time, it means that your birth date crosses the karmic lines and the activation of the main code is needed, if available, and the connection of the code of the Point of Happiness, for the erasure of the mistakes, including yours, due to the negative energies in the circle, in order to purify them and to open the way for a good conversation or the withdrawal of the bad one.

Are STAR codes really so special ?

They are very special because we are always halfway through the year with them, and they are very different in their workings because they are the only ones in linked time zones that work miracles on stories, you, people opposite you and events. Everyone who has had a Star Code activated at least once has activated it again because they give so much and are fantastic protection because we all come from the past into the current time zone with suitcases. Sometimes ours is just so big, where are the other suitcases of people important to us.

Which code should I choose if my partner is cheating on me?

It matters at what stage the deception or suspected deception is taking place.
If the story has been in this energy for a long time, then one numerology code will not be enough, as it may open your desire but will not support it later.

That’s why in such stories I advise linking two codes: desire and emergency or desire and memory of happiness. The first combination is to calm tension and open desire. The second combination is stronger for the time and represents the opening of desire and the return and reaffirmation of something beautiful that they have had and are memories of.

Which code should I choose if I have an important exam or interview?

If there is not too much stress before an important event, then you just choose the code Desire.
If stress, nervousness, restlessness are present, then activate the Desire and Emergency codes for success.

What do I activate if I want the person of my heart to return?
If the story is long-running with jams, messages coming back, silence again or departures, be sure to use two related codes that are part of your story.
One code will not be enough for complete success, as complex situations need multiple frequencies and at different target points.

What do I activate if my business is collapsing?

It is good to activate the combination of the Emergency and the Happiness Point to calm you down, perhaps also the other side if this energy is present, and then a solution may open up that would not have opened up on its own on your birth date.

What do I activate if I want a contract signed, a good business interview or confirmation of something that is already in progress?

Activating the Lucky Point code will be perfectly sufficient here.

What do I activate if I want the other side to take a step?

Code Wish and mark either a breakthrough event or a message.

What do I activate if my life is falling apart?

This can also happen, in which case it is necessary to activate the Emergency and Desire codes immediately, wait a few days and, if necessary and business, financially related, add the Lucky Points code (you need to see progress with the first two yourself first) so that success can be activated. If your personal story is falling apart, then activate the first two, Emergency and Desire (wait a few days), as needed, then activate theLuck Memory to complete your story and pull you out of the abyss and open the way forward.

What do I activate for official matters that have a history and are not resolved?

This question depends on how your story is set up, what is happening, how many people on the other side have influence.
The more the better to activate the related codes; Happiness Points a must and if the situation is causing you stress at the moment, then add the Emergency code.

Why is the master code so important to activate?

  • Each time zone where the MAIN NUMEROLOGICAL CODE needs to be activated has a specific energy within the duration, be it numbers in the vertical of karma, destiny, intertwining with past time, the energies of eclipses, transitions of numbers, fateful lunations, parallel lines of events, multiple events within a time zone as life-changing turning points, or just one event that can change life by 720 degrees.
  • Each Master Code has its own name, function, energy, it is always linked to birth dates, to time, to specific stories, wishes, memories, luck, because everything is special and the damage that is done when the Master Numerology Code is not activated is extremely great.
  • Here, in the experience of the last three years, you lose the most, then some of you manage to come back, but for a short time, others never get back to what you wanted, others life gets a little more complicated, and some of you collapse after a phenomenal period because you had no protection.
  • It may be hard to understand how all this can affect your stories, but look at your past and you will see how many changes that are important to you have happened.
    Good and bad.
  • If the date of birth is set during the duration of one of the Master Codes, it is a good idea to protect your luck by activating it.
    If the birth date vibrates with low power, activation is necessary to avoid falling into the abyss.
    The best stories and the biggest falls happen in specific time zones of the year.
  • This is why the main numerological codes are available at that time.
  • You are always informed in good time, the date of the opening of the door to activation, what it brings, through letters, social media posts, where you also learn everything about the code, how it works, its power, so that you are ready.

When is it enough to activate only 1 classic code ?

When you have enough clarity, direct energy of desire, where there are not too many complications on the day when you enter into activation ( here each individual has to know what is happening to him ), when you need that lift that opens for you by means of the code a path that is closed but really pay attention that you do not have a story with complications.

If you have it or are busy with other things, then I advise you to activate the linked codes.

The code has to reach the throughput that you have stopped, and the longer the date is unthrottled the more time the code takes because it has to first clean up the plot, determine the path you specify in the calculations and then achieve what you want.

What should I tick for the code I want to activate ?

The most important thing is to follow your story.

What is happening, what do you want to happen, and be honest here.

Example; You activated a wish because there was no contact and you marked a breakthrough event or message because you wanted communication. The code has activated this for you, you want to proceed because you have a desire to enter into a partner relationship with the person; you activate a new code Desire and mark decision or change depending on where you are in the story. And one and two are good.

However, if your story is complicated, there is a third party involved, or there is a disturbing factor that you cannot get to the partnership through the line, activate the Happiness Memory code if it is not in the OPTION ACTIVATE MAIN CODE.

You are bound to have a memory created with this person or several of them and the target will be placed on two codes in dual frequency combinations to start or restart the relationship.

The same applies to all other codes, always mark what is happening and what you want. Just listen to yourself.

You can’t go wrong in determining the items ( calculation form ) and thus the good frequencies of your story or event !!!

Your date of birth is a calling card for life. The activated codes allow you to get the flow of good, what you want, what you deserve, when in a certain time zone your date of birth is blocked or a time zone comes with many stressful events, which are most often turning points.

You know this if you look a little into your own past.

This is the power of numerological codes.

You have your story or event.

Story publications

  • Story posts are always special records in time, whether the codes are activated or about to be activated, and show you what’s happening on your journeys. They are records of events, of people who are important to you. What any code or related ones carry in hours or days or over a longer period of time. Therefore, here you can find connections to your expectations, wishes and most importantly to what is happening.
  • The specific texts in the story publications are actually your stories that you are living.
  • The info posts in the story posts are for all the information you need.

Do I already have an activated code or do I also need to activate the master code ?

It is important that all the Master Codes are activated in the current year, as they carry special good luck events in specific time zones that you would not experience without the Master Codes, and they keep you away from precipices or obstacles in your path. This is why it is great when any code is linked to a master code, because it represents operating on the fastest line and thus taking your story to the highest point of success in parallel. Remember that the time zones are actually the most important from your birth onwards, because these zones determine these great stories of good fortune, or unfortunately the other way around. So the importance generally speaking of activating the codes is your great value, which are then shown to you along with them by events.

I already have one code and now I want another. Does it matter which one I choose ?

  • Always follow your story here too, something that connects to the first code that has already been activated. Here are the codes you can link, just follow what you want:

I am deciding between two codes and I don't know which one to choose ?

  • Just follow your story and what you want to happen first, that way you will make the easiest decision on which code you need right now. Here’s which codes are in the activation option:

In the last tip it says I don't need to activate the new code, but I want it ? Can I activate it ?

  • You can always activate it, the last clue is your story and if you feel in yourself that you need it then do it. Because your intuition is everything, not only in codes, everywhere in life. Here:

I have 2 people in mind, and the option I want to activate when calculating the code is the date of birth of only one person. Which one do I choose ?

You choose the person who is most important to you at that moment. It’s up to you to decide who that is.

I have a problem with inheritance which code should I choose ?

  • All the areas that relate to business-office-finance work are covered by the codes Lucky Points, Desire, Emergency, depending on where you are in your story, why you need it, then you make a decision whether to activate one or connect the codes. Here are the codes that can be linked:

I was blocked by a person everywhere. What do I activate in this case ?

He left. What should I do ?

  • Activate the Desire code immediately and mark Change to turn this ripple of negative energy into a positive one within time. If you are under severe stress activate the additional code Emergency to connect and calm you down so you don’t make a mistake that you can’t take back.
  • Code Wish: http: //
  • Emergency code:

Business problems What should I activate ?

  • Mandatory code Lucky points, if there is third party influence preventing you from doing business normally or you are in a holding phase, maybe dirty games on the other side, activate the code Desire. This link is strongest in the business world when the main code is not available. But if the main code is available for activation, then be sure to activate it and then the Wish code or the Lucky Points code if there is still a financial burden. Sometimes all three codes must be linked. It must then be your decision. Here’s what codes can be activated, follow the story you’re in when deciding what you need:

I have been in a process for a very long time where nothing is solved with official documents. Which code do I activate ?

For official documents, institutions, the Lucky Point code is primarily intended because it builds up the frequencies of these segments, where one loses, waits, postpones, plays dirty games, etc. If the main code is in the activation option, you must activate the main code first and then, depending on what is going on, decide whether you need the Lucky Point code. Here’s what codes can be activated, follow the story you’re in when deciding what you need:

I want the person to decide for me. What am I activating ?

First of all, it’s important where you are with your story. If it is a triangle that has been going on for a while and somehow the change you want does not happen, it is imperative that the main code of the particular time zone is activated first, if it is in the activation option, and if you have a memory with this person and you are looking for a decision here, add the code Memory of Happiness, if you urgently need an event on the other side, add the code Desire.

What does each code bring or how do I decide what to activate ?

Main code of a specific time zone is the specific energy of frequencies you need for success, protection and often a turning point event that will then determine your future.

When should I add another code, how do I know I need it ?

Whenever you yourself feel either that you are not going far enough or too slowly, or have a story where there is the weight of the past and the resulting deadlock. Every linked code works in duplicate with every other code because that’s the algorithm and it’s extremely important for difficult stories where you need to clear the bad first, open the good and make way for the future, and in all this ripple, of course, events that your date of birth by itself cannot create, no matter how much you want it to. Here which codes can be linked:

I have 4 codes activated is that ok ?

Of course, it just means that you have created with the 4 codes the opening of all four sides of the sky, which is a special and specific energy of miracles, and with protection you have the completeness of the story in the palm of your hand, and thus such events. This combination often creates in parallel an additional new extraordinary story which is a continuation of the existing one for which you have chosen to activate the 4 linked codes.

I have 3 codes activated ?

Of course, it means that you have succeeded in creating protection across the three sides of the sky against the intrusion of negative energies or spells or magic, and thus, on all working frequencies, we are taking your most important story from the fall to the victory. The important thing about this combination is that a lot of the bad stuff that has kept you stuck in failure or waiting too long for a good exit is being removed through these connections. As if there have been bright moments that have failed to keep the future level.

Do I have a karmic line activated ?

If you are experiencing a succession of bad events, if your well-being is in flux, and especially if there is much more fatigue than usual, if you are experiencing some causes of failure or difficulty, if your energy is not matching the energy of the people you want to be with, if you are needing a lot of effort for success that is not coming, if you are creating cracks in relationships, even departures, then your birthdate is having a crossing of karmic lines. Activate the code or codes to make it stop, because it won’t stop on its own if it takes too long and you experience the withdrawal of those lines and thus at least one event that you want. From here on, everything will be much easier and better. Here’s what codes can be activated, follow the story you’re in when deciding what you need:

I have an exam which code do I activate ?

The Wish code is designed to make a wish come true, but of course you also need the knowledge to pass the exam:

The Emergency Code calms stress, fear, uncertainty and allows peace and clarity within you:

Is it enough if only the main code is activated in the time zone when it is in the activation option ?

Enough, because it contains all the specific frequencies you need. But when you want more, or faster action, or faster withdrawal of the bad, then you link it to the specific code you need according to what you want or expect, whether it be from a specific person or event. Here are all the codes that are in the activation option:

I am afraid that my wish will not come true. What should I do ?

If the Wish code is already activated and evolving that is enough, if there is a story where there has been a lot of turmoil and there still is, then add the Emergency code so that you don’t make a mistake that stops you from realising it.

If you have not yet activated the Wish code, please do so now:

If the Emergency code is not yet activated, do it now:

Does the code Memory of Happiness really help it to come back ?

  • The code Memory of Happiness has its own specific target and parallel frequencies per person and memory, which it activates wherever you are now with that story and memory, and it has exceptional frequencies within it to make the future happen after the re-memory is created.

The code Memory of Happiness already has in its calculation a specificity of frequencies where the energy of return is generated.

This is where the code Happy Memory can be activated:

When you need a really quick event, which means you are either impatient or your story with this person is complicated, activate the code Desire, because it is the completeness of two people on the line of returning and opening a memory. Mark in the code Desire then the message if there is silence or a breakthrough of the event, if there is a blockage or a change, to make the turn from loss to interview.

Activate the code Wish here if you haven’t already:

Is it enough to activate the Lucky Point code or do you need another one ?

If the Lucky Point code is activated and the main code covering this area is also activated, if it is in the activation option, this is perfectly sufficient.

If the main code is not activated, activate it immediately or it is not in the activation option, then link it either to the Desire code if you need a quick event or to the Emergency code if you have an important meeting, interview and you are scared or have uncertainty inside to calm you down and open the way to what you want.

Here are the codes that are in the activation option:

What if third parties get involved and cause problems. Which code is appropriate ?

First of all, it is most important that the main code is activated. If it is not yet activated, activate it because the master code always brings with it special frequencies that bring miracles and thus open the way for you and close the way for those who either interfere too much or wish you ill or wish to win.

– If your story is a difficult, long-lasting one in this third-party view, add the code Desire for a quick good event and tick Change to make a U-turn:

– If the main code is not in the activation option, then add it according to your story; if it is a business-office-financial segment, then add the Lucky Points code:

– If the third party influence is on the emotional segment, choose the code Memory of Happiness to connect, because this opens up a beautiful memory that you definitely have with the person or event, and at the same time the frequencies in this code create the future in parallel:

– If you see that you are really stressed, add the code Emergency, because stress often brings about the action of our mistakes or hasty decisions, which then take us further away from our goal:

Always follow your story when activating, then you will do everything right.

Here you can find whether the main code is in the activation option:

I'm waiting for the contract to be signed and I want to make sure there are no problems, what should I activate ?

Here it is important to activate the code of the Happiness Point, which means that all documents will be protected and well realised, and will link to an additional event linked within the framework of what you want: –

You can also use the code Wish, if there are no disagreements and you just want a hassle-free signing and a successful conclusion of the contract. Mark the signature in the calculation:

I want the biggest problem to be solved. Which code do I activate ?

Depending on where you are in your story, what you expect, what is happening, how difficult the story is, decide which code would be for you. It is important to choose the right code for the problem or to link them together.

Here are the codes and their descriptions to help you choose:

Master code if in activation option you will find it here:

What does the message in my code mean ?

The message in your code is always a prediction of what is happening in your story, which is why you activated the code. Even though you may not understand the message at first, you will when the action opens up. The message is always personalised and is a calculation of all the frequencies you need to succeed through your calculated code to the conversion of the text in the message of your code.

If you have linked codes, read all the messages, link them because they make up your story in the arrival or happening.


Are the classic 2025 codes special ?

As every year, the classic codes have been upgraded. Plus, combining all eight previous years will bring huge changes to the personal stories.

Should I link classic codes ?

Obligatory, even more so this year, because of the special classical code written in the answer to the question, because the date of birth is changing in its entirety, which will have 9 major intersections, 4 exceptional and 2 intersections, when the life path on desires, memories, stability, success with them will rise to the highest ever.

When to integrate in 2025 classic codes ?

  • When there is a difficult story to be resolved, in the energies of third party influence, betrayals, deceit, waiting for a solution that may take years, complications that are beyond your control, triangles; emotional, business, family, financial.
  • When you have the karmic mantle, the lessons, when the eclipses hit you with an important story that you have already experienced and lost, when you feel not strong enough with just one classical code.
  • When you are in the energy of great stress, of falling, of standing in front of darkness or already in a tunnel.

The linked codes in 2025 are a rate higher and have exceptional clearing of bad and fast events of good.

When to link classic codes to master codes in 2025 ?

The 2025 main codes will be special because they will mostly be linked in time zones, as 2025 requires them.

  • When you link the master codes with the classic ones, all the destroyed lucky records caused by other people, yourself, will be activated.

2025 brings together 8 previous years.

And many fortunes have been destroyed.

  • Now you will have a tremendous opportunity to raise them from the ashes and experience what you experienced as your happiness and then lost, and were unable to escape from that mantle of unhappiness.
  • When you connect the master codes with the classical ones in 2025, the line of your birth date will be activated, turning the impossible into the possible thanks to the activation of two really special horizons when they happen to you.

Be aware that 2025 is special in every way.

Also because of the 4 eclipses, where both spring and autumn will happen within one month.

And this is just the beginning !!!

When is 1 classic code enough in 2025 ?

  • When you actually need the very wind that your date of birth can’t handle, to be at the point of success for that area where it matters to you.
  • When all things are in place, there are no big obstacles, you have a good feeling inside.
  • When your date of birth is set well in the timezone, but it doesn’t give you a prize yet.
  • When you want the happiness that has come to PROTECT you,

It is often forgotten that happiness is not a given and that your date of birth will not always be in this happy period within so many changes of time, persons, actions, events.

Why do I need to have the master codes linked in 2025 ?

Because we are in a time and place where all the last 8 years are coming together and it is a special transition that will not be there for the next 9 years. The linked codes represent a set of periods that will be activated in a specific situation and then the activation of the main codes is necessary.

What will the main codes bring me ?

Within the time zones, when you foresee linked or independent master codes in 2025, there will be lines of special lucky records that are destroyed or so hidden that you cannot experience them.

What are the special records, the parallel records, the classic records of my date of birth ?

It is a specific form of writing that each individual acquires at birth.

  • When it is triggered or is triggered, is triggered and destroyed, is hidden and opens the record only partially, is activated by the powerful energy of karma and nullified, depends in which time periods of the individual all this happens; this too has every date of birth written down.

That is why it is so important to follow the time zones from year to year, because they are always a special way to bring all these records back to life.

  • Just as it is no coincidence when a new numerological year begins, it is no coincidence when specific time zones are activated in the current year, where it is important to activate the main code-codes if they are related.

Within 2025 I am talking about the horizons you will experience and this journey is absolutely special because it has not been for the last 8 years.


Why is the right time to activate the code important?

When you wait too long to activate the code you have chosen, you lose or lose or remain close to success (often you say to yourself, I don’t need it, I’ll do without it, and then a few days later an event comes along that makes it clear that you didn’t do the right thing by waiting). It is time that really matters, so then in your impatience because you miss that perfect moment to activate the code, you make mistakes, you get nervous and you need a little more time to make the change you want to happen. Every code will give you a gift, just listen to yourself when you need it. When you wait too long to activate, your already poorly set birth date breaks under the weight of what is happening. Don’t allow yourself to do this, because it takes time for the frequencies to clear the bad so that they can open the way for the desired.

When is the right time to activate the code?

It is important to always have all the main codes of the current year when they are available, because they make the most beautiful stories in their time zones. They are special because there are some periods within the year that need, along with the classical numerological codes, these special, different ones, dedicated to a specific time zone target. Whenever you come up against an obstacle, a deadlock, when you are having difficulties, when the desires you have are not opening up in the direction you want them to, either because of you or because of third parties. Whenever you just need a breakthrough event, which means that your date of birth in a particular time zone is not working well, and because of that, the setbacks, the obstacles, the problems start to intertwine. Whenever you are already in trouble. Whenever you go into a problem. Whenever you want to improve your luck. Whenever you have a wish but don’t have the power (your date of birth doesn’t) to make it happen. 24 hours a day, every day of the year, you have the option to activate the numerology code you need.

Why choose code or linked codes?

Because with it you always get the power and the opportunity for the energy of the event on the desire line, which is prevented because your date of birth is out of harmony with the time zone and therefore out of success.
No matter how much you want something or someone, it just doesn’t work. The numerology code, when activated, is such a tremendous force of change and such a powerful energy of events that it is a pity to miss the right moment.
You know yourself that you had the right person or the right event in the past, but you didn’t have a confirmed captured moment of the right time because your date of birth didn’t allow the fluidity for a beautiful story and it stopped, got lost, receded, got complicated.

How to choose the right code or link them?

You know your life, the stories, the people involved, who are important to you in your story. You have desires, expectations. You are the creators, the codes will only open and complete the creation that you have not been able to do yourself. You have a dream.
You have more or less expectations in a certain time zone. You have memories that you want to relive. You have a desire for happiness that has receded.
Just follow this when selecting and activating a particular numerology code, then every code will work.

Is the code valid for 1 person only?

It applies only to 1 person, because you are the user of the phone, the tablet, the computer, and it is your energies, which according to your wishes, because of the power you have through all the calculated numbers in the code, are directed by the action of you-to-you, thus creating the path to the fulfilment of the wish.
By activating the selected numerology code or associated frequencies, you have an event that would have been lost without activation:

  • Person,
  • The story,
  • Event,
  • The energy of the future.

By activating your chosen numerology code, you have an opportunity that you cannot otherwise have:

  • Correction,
  • Settlement,
  • Returning,
  • Change,
  • Validation,
  • Upgrade,
  • Success,
  • Advancement,
  • Solution,
  • Decision.

Does the code work immediately after activation?

As soon as it is downloaded to your phone, tablet or computer, the activation will be done and the action of the calculated code will start its journey to your destination. It will happen very quickly, so be prepared for this, as each numerology code has the power to act on everything that is stored and important to you on your phone, tablet or computer.

I have not received the code. What do I do?

First, check your email by typing into the search engine and it will find all emails with that title. Check your email address (if there is no code (first hint) in the main menu, look under promotions, updates, spam). If you have not received it, please contact our helpdesk here. You can check your codes and your purchases at any time and download wallpapers at this link by logging in with your username and password.

Can 1 code be stored in more than one place at the same time?

The same numerology code is only for 1 place, which you can change at will.
Before you change the location of your code, 96 hours must have elapsed since activation, after which you can change its location if you so choose.
The energies flowing to what you want must be targeted and unencumbered by other device frequencies.

Important: It happens a few times in a given year, so that 2 of the same codes can be activated in one device (there is a special flow of energies at that time). There are always specific announcements in due course about when we enter such a special time zone, and you will always receive a notification.

How does the numerology code, once activated, affect the other person if you select it in the code calculation?

Some numerology codeshave the option of selecting an additional date of birth of a particular person before calculation and it is linked before calculation alongside all the other data of the two dates of birth, which are then the KEY part of the numerology code, and the choice of what you want, expect from a particular code, form a whole and make up a story of the past or present, no matter how complicated or impossible it is in the moment before activation. Whenever you choose another person, the frequencies connect with each other, so then it often happens that you receive a message, a call, a wish for an interview from that person, and because on your birth date a flow is created on the person opposite you, the energy of the flow appears in the wish for you.

What do I have to do when I receive the code?

In the first email you receive to your email address, you have 3 options to download and save your code.
Choose the option closest to you.
Then download it to your phone, tablet or computer.
When you do, your chosen code is activated and starts working where you want it to work, which is why you activated it in the first place.

What do you do when you receive the last hint for your code in your email?

Be sure to read the first part first, because it warns you that the code needs to be deleted from where it is stored and you need to check that it is not left anywhere.
Then follow what’s happening for you, what the code has brought you, what’s happening, what else might happen. With the last clue, it is really extremely important to follow it fully.

How do I store the code correctly in the phone book?

If you are going to use the phone book: take a picture of the code, it is important that the numbers are visible, and add it as a picture of the name.
Enter the code name under the name and the code number under the phone number.

I want to order a new code, I have made a purchase before, but now it won't let me proceed when I want to complete the purchase. What am I doing wrong?

If you have previously made a purchase in our online shop, you are already registered with us. Therefore, you must first log in to your account with your username and password (at the link:, then go to the shop and make your purchase. First, sign in and then purchase the code. The reverse will not work.

I can't set the background code on my phone, how can I do it differently?

If you have problems downloading the code graphics to your phone, you can simply take a screenshot of the code graphics and save it to your phone’s image gallery.
You can then easily install the clip as a screensaver. It is important that the code number and the hint are visible.

How do I reset my password if I've lost or forgotten it?

If you have forgotten or lost the password for your Numerology Code account, you can simply follow the steps below to reset your password:

  1. Visit the reset password page: Click on the following link – Reset password.

  2. Enter your details:Enter your username or email address in the required field.
    We will send you a link to reset your password to your registered email address.

  3. Check your email inbox: you will receive an email with the subject “Numerology Code password reset request”.
    Please also check your spam folder if you do not see the message immediately.
    Wait at least 10 minutes before requesting another password reset if you haven’t received the message.

  4. Click on the link in the email: in the email you will find a link “Click here to reset your password”.
    Click on this link.

  5. Enter your new password: Enter and confirm your new password in the required fields and click “Save”.

  6. Log in with a new password: You can now return to the My Account page and log in with your username and new password.

If you still have problems resetting your password or accessing your account, please contact our customer support for further assistance.

What do I do if I don't know or can't save or download the code to my phone ?

– You can take a picture and crop it ( full picture ) and download it to your phone
– You can make a print screen and download and save it

What do I do if my phone breaks and is in the repair shop with codes on it ?

If your phone breaks down and is not in use and you don’t have the option of another phone (say it’s in the shop, you lose it, etc.) and the codes are activated there, you always go to the first hint of the code or codes you ordered, because there’s an option there to transfer to your computer and do that and save it on your computer.
Except the option code Luck Memory is just a phone storage but in such a situation for that length of time this code should also be stored on the computer and then deleted when you receive the phone.
It is important that the frequency stop flow is not too long.

Where can I find out more about the numerology code I want to activate or is it already activated ?

Always take a look at the links below:
– Section: Code presentation, where you also have a list of which codes can be activated

How can I buy a code for another person ?

  1. Choosing a code for another person: eachcode can be activated and purchased for another person.
    It is important that you enter the details and email address of the person you are purchasing the code for in the ‘Enter payer details and create invoice’ step.
  2. Log out of your account: if you are logged in at, please log out before purchasing. To purchase a code for another person, you will need to create a new account later in the purchase process.
  3. Select the code in the shop: choose the code you want at Fill in the code calculation form with the required information. If you do not know certain details because you are buying for another person, leave these fields blank.
  4. Add to Cart: After filling in the form, press the“ADD TO CART” button.
  5. Check your basket and proceed to checkout: check the order summary in your basket and, if everything is correct, press“Proceed to checkout“.
  6. Entering payer details and creating an invoice: On the ‘Complete Purchase’ page, under ‘Payer Details’, enter the details of the person you are purchasing the code for, including their email address.
    Create a username and password for your new account.
    Save this information and pass it on to the person you made the purchase for, so they can access the current codes or activate additional codes with their new account.
  7. Entering payment details: as you are making the purchase, please enter your payment details (credit card or PayPal).
    This completes the purchase process.
  8. Confirmation and activation of the code: after successful payment, the person for whom you have purchased the code will receive an email with the purchased code and instructions on how to activate it.
    The person will be able to activate the code according to the instructions provided.

Where is the first tip after purchasing the code ?

You will always receive both the first and the last tip at your registered email address.
If you can’t find the hint in the main menu, look under spam, promotions, updates.

What do I do if I have paid for the code and I realise that I did not provide the right information in the calculation when I received the first tip and saw the code ?

If this has happened to you, please delete the code immediately, including the first tip, and be sure to take a picture of the code, add an explanation and send it to: Within 30 minutes of receiving the first tip, your carelessness will be taken into account. You provide your details for the refund of the code amount, including your address, bank account. After review, you will receive the amount in your account within 3 working days. Any codes where an error has occurred if not sent within 30 minutes of purchase, the claim will be disregarded.

You can order a new code immediately after you have found the error. And be careful when filling in your details in future.

How do I get to the code that is a gift when it is published like this ?

Every year, there is a special time or several special times during a certain period of time, so that when you activate 1 code, the option to activate 1 more code as a gift is opened for you. You are always informed in good time when this will happen. You will always find the link to activate the gift in the first hint of the purchase of your code, which is a condition to activate the gift (the second code).

How do I create my username and password ?

You can find the procedure here:

Be sure to save your username and password, as you will need them.

How does the code work on my phone if I store it there ?

If the code finds a place on your phone, it works on phone numbers, pictures, memories, messages, notes, signatures, social networks, etc., and is linked to a person or event where you have a wish you want to fulfil.

The frequencies, after you browse on the phone, talk, write, generate frequencies with your calculated who and a transfer to the person or event that is the target of your happiness happens.

Here’s what codes can be activated, follow the story you’re in when deciding what you need:

I don't know how to activate the code. Can you help me ?

It’s very simple, just follow the step-by-step video here:, valid for any code.

You must create and save your username and password, as this gives you access to both your codes and the code you want to activate later.

What you mark in the calculation is your decision, because it is your story and your expectations. When you make a purchase, you receive a first tip in your email address, which you read and download the code either on your phone or on your computer or tablet. This activates the code and your preferences are in the activation of the event. After the time of your code has elapsed, you will receive a final hint, also to your email address, which you must follow in full, as there is a description of what is happening and what you can expect.

Where is the best place to store the codes ?

  • The place where the code will find its place must be YOUR decision. It is important that you follow the storage instructions you receive in the first tip, and each code has a code storage section in the online shop below, as some codes require a specific location or device.

Does the code really help ?

If you do everything according to what is necessary for the chosen code, you have chosen the right code, then the frequencies activate what you want, which your birth date by itself cannot do, and you have fallen not only in energy but in events and people important to you, experienced loss or are experiencing loss, because of the poorly placed energy of your numbers in your birth date.

Find which code to activate here and just follow what happens to you and what you want:

Where can I find the codes ?

You can find the codes that can be activated in the online shop:

I activate the code for the first time. Procedure ?

Video: Each code has the same procedure

He refuses my credit card and I do everything right. What should I do ?

Check that you have used the correct credit card or pay pal, that you have funds on your credit card and that you have filled in all the details correctly. If you still do not receive a successful payment option, please contact your bank.

Just a note; as of 1.2.2024, the TRR payment option is no longer available.

I haven't received the last code hint.

First, check that the tip has not gone to spam. If it is not found there and the code shows an expiry date, please contact us at

I have ordered the same code twice.

If you have made a mistake, please report the order number to

My order has been torn up several times by my bank.

Please double-check that you have indeed ordered only one code. Sometimes it is visible in the bank twice, the day of order and the day of posting. If you are indeed charged twice when your card is charged, please contact us at and we’ll sort it out.

I cannot access the code.

Visit the website, click My code and log in. Your last order is visible there and you can access your code there.


What are the main numerological codes?

It is extremely important to have exactly the right time code in the main time zones, as they contain specific time and target frequencies of events, thus allowing for wish fulfilment, problem solving, blockage prevention, protection, success.
It is always advisable to activate these codes as soon as the time zone starts.
Then follow the linking codes if you have a story you are entering with past problems.
The main numerological codes always connect to the frequencies of the classical numerological codes of the current year, creating a special energy of action that sometimes borders on the miraculous.

What if the action stops after the code is activated?

If the action stops temporarily or you feel it should go faster, move the code or codes to another location (swap positions – for example, swap the home screen code and the lock screen code).
Then switch off your phone for 8 minutes and switch it back on to reset the power.
This most often happens after the activation of the codes for people with karmic transitions or negative destiny energy in a time zone where, without the activated codes, they would have experienced a hard fall.

How can the code work on your phone, tablet, computer?

The footprint is created over everything you have stored on your devices. Your life, your wishes, thoughts, ideas, fears, memories, signatures, pictures, decisions, numbers, actions, messages, calls, conversations. Because this is where everything that is you, all your past journeys and those yet to come, calculated numerological code triggers what you want and at the same time removes the obstacles to it.

Why is it not advisable to wait to activate the code if you are in trouble?

When a person experiences a slump, a series of problems with no way out, and waits too long to activate the code, then more time is needed to restore the energy of the original state. Only then does the code start to act on the event that caused the codes to be activated. Without activation this is not possible, and consequently a loss is experienced as the date of birth does not allow the transition to the good within the time zone.

Who needs specific master codes in time zones?

Any person who has karmic transitions or lessons in the timezone should have a master code, as this closes the option of demolition that is already underway and opens the option of fulfilling desires and expectations.

How do you know if you are in a karmic period with a poor flow of destiny or about to enter such a time interval?

Karmic periods with poor flow of destiny or just before entering such a time interval are manifested through downfalls, unusual events with great challenges, complications in solutions, retreat, silence, break-ups, losses, triangles, mood swings, mistakes, nervousness, fears and third party influences.
At that time, your birth date blocks the flow of energies, leading to the accumulation of negative events, from minor to major, and the repetition of difficult past lessons.

How is it possible that the code really works?

The numerology code has its own frequencies, just like your date of birth and the dates of other people or events in your life. This energy acts on your story, desires, persons and is expressed through messages, photos, phone book, emails, notes, signatures and other information on your phone, computer or tablet. Activating the code triggers the energy that enables you to fulfil your desires and remove the reasons for falls, setbacks, losses and obstacles.

How can a good memory be reactivated?

Reactivating good memories starts with preventing the congestion that caused the memory loss in the present. Next, the frequencies of the person with whom you created the memory are activated, as part of that person is still in your device. Finally, the energy of the frequencies connects everything you have entered in the form before calculating the code, making it possible to experience memories with the amplitude of the future.

Fantastic energy happening on personal stories thanks to the activation of numerological codes!

The individual’s energies flow together and allow positive developments to take place in the story, eliminating congestion and negative waves.
Numerology codes
work in a targeted and directed way, allowing wishes to be fulfilled, problems to be resolved and success and happiness to be achieved. Each code has its own specific frequencies, functions and messages that contribute to creating a better life.

Why is the numerology code so important?

Numerological code
has the power to change lives and allows for a better connection with positive energies. It enables you to fulfil your desires, overcome problems and achieve success on a personal level.

Why is it good to have linked codes over a period of time?

Linked codes are particularly important if your story is complex, with third party involvement, dependency on others and karmic patterns. They help to quickly resolve deadlocks and allow solutions to difficult situations that would not normally be achievable.

Does each code have its own task?

Yes, each numerology code has its own unique frequency layout and thus links to other codes. They interconnect and allow for a remarkable flow of energies that targets important events in one’s life.
When entering data, accuracy is crucial for the code to work correctly.

I don't get the change after activating the code ?

First, look at which code you have and whether your expectations are realistic.

Have you activated a code that is not strong enough ?

Did you activate when the plot of your story was already collapsing ?

Have you waited too long for activation ?

Did you mark something in the calculation that was not so important for the solution ?

Have you saved the code where it says to save it ?

It may be that for a particular area where you want a change, the frequencies in 1 code are not realisable in power because 1 code is not enough.

You can be impatient and sometimes forget that every code also protects you from falling.

Your wishes or expectations may be unrealistic.

There may have been a saturation in a day or two, and as the code is refining the complication, there may be a drop in energy.

But it bounces back very quickly because it gets the power of the event, you expect it and because of it you undergo the activation.

IMPORTANT: Please find in this section – questions – the answers to what you do with the code if the action stops.

I don't believe in activation and codes completely, but I still want to try ?

Your fingerprint energy transfer Every time you open your phone, browse, make calls, write and receive messages, save pictures, listen, read, make notes, your actions activate frequencies.

Just like on your computer or tablet.

Each code has those good frequencies in its algorithm that are most important to you, which can then be used to achieve what you want.

There are bad frequencies all over the world, don’t forget that, because of them you have downfalls, break-ups, departures, losses, difficult periods full of trials.

When good frequencies are aligned with you, you are on the wings of the greatest happiness.

You get them with codes and these are then your lucky frequencies or if you have your birth date really well placed.

It all comes to you and not from you, as happens when bad frequencies prevail on your birth date and bad things happen to you.

And believe me, with codes, you only get the best.

Without them, your wings may simply be too small for many of the things you want to do or fix.

How do I know what to fill in the code ?

It’s important to follow your story, some codes have hindsight because sometimes frequencies need that to succeed, so whatever you deliver will be right, but keep realistic expectations.

What do I do if I don't know a person's exact date of birth ?

Then leave this field blank, because the numerological code for you will be channeled through you to the event you desire.

The main code is which code ?

Due to the special time zones, the main code is always announced in time with pre-promotional posts on social media and also in special letters if you are subscribed to them.

Sometimes the code needs to be upgraded or reactivated afterwards, but you are always informed in good time.

The master code is always in the online shop if its activation option is in the time zone:

. Izguba telefona kako pridem do kod, ki jih imam aktivirane in niso še potekle ?

Here is the link: where you log in with your username and password, have all your active and past codes and put them on your new phone. The expiry time remains as written in the code and you will also receive a final hint when the code expires.

GENERAL INFORMATION About (code storage, letters, etc.)

How to correctly store and activate numerology codes on different devices?

Emergency 🚨
Save the code to your phone, computer or tablet, depending on the source of the stress, either from a person or an event.

  • Phone: home wallpaper, lock screen (code graphic as picture, code entry as adding phone number, code name as directory name), phone book, picture gallery, icon.
  • Computer: if the stressful situation is business-related, save the code as a wallpaper on your desktop or as an image file in any folder.
  • Tablet: Gallery, Android: My Files or File Manager, Apple: Files folder -> Downloads.

Points of Happiness 🍀
Save the code where you have the most documents or contacts, whether in person, on the phone or via email, that relate to your story. The Lucky Point code activates documents, people and interviews (written and oral) and influences the path to success.

  • Phone: home wallpaper, lock screen, phone book, picture gallery, icon.
  • Computer: save as desktop wallpaper or as an image file.
  • Tablet: Gallery, Android: My Files or File Manager, Apple: Files folder -> Downloads.

A Memory of Happiness 😌
The option to save and activate the numerology code Lucky Memory is only available on the phone.
Phone: Home screen, picture gallery, lock screen, icon, phone book (code as picture, code numbers visible, name as code name).

Save the Wish code in a place that is important to you, as the frequencies interact with your actions on the device. The code works best on your phone, as any activity on your phone speeds up the transmission of the target frequencies of your wish. For business preferences, you can save the code on your computer or tablet.

  • Phone: home wallpaper, lock screen, phone book (code graphic as picture, code entry as adding phone number to phone book, code name as name in phone book), image gallery, icon.
  • Computer (for business preferences): save as desktop wallpaper or as an image file.
  • Tablet: Gallery, Android: My Files or File Manager, Apple: Files folder -> Downloads.

What do I do with the codes if I change my phone and the code is still activated?

The code will be automatically transferred to your new phone with all your other photos, and you just have to set it up again for your home screen, screensaver, address book or image gallery. You can always access your codes via your profile (my code) on the website.

Can I remove the code before it expires?

It should be your decision, but I advise against it because every code has its time, even when something good or desirable has happened to you, the frequencies have to draw their story to a conclusion.

What happens if I forget to delete the code?

If you forget, do it as soon as you remember.
Your calculated numerology code has been calculated accurately in time for the purpose of achieving your goal.
Once this goal is reached, if you leave the code, it can stop the flow of nice things happening or return you to your pre-activation position.

How do I load a wallpaper on my phone for IOS users?

Open the “Wish Code” email on your phone.

Find the code for “phone wallpaper with your code”.

If necessary
, enter the username and password you created when you first logged in.

Click and hold the “download phone wallpaper” button, then select “ADD TO PHOTOS”.

Go to the gallery and find the image, then click on it and press the button below, then select “USE AS WALLPAPER”.

Then select the SET option and choose how you want your wallpaper to be saved:

Set as lock screen (SET LOCK SCREEN)

Set as home screen (SET HOME SCREEN)

Set both (SET BOTH)

How do I upload a wallpaper for my phone for ANDROID users?

Open the “Wish Code” email on your phone.

Find the code for “phone wallpaper with your code”.

If necessary
, enter the username and password you created when you first logged in.

Click and hold on the “download phone wallpaper” button, then select “TRANSFER PICTURE”.

Go to the gallery and find the image, then click on it and press the top three dots, then select “SET AS BACKGROUND”.

Then choose the installation option for how you want your wallpaper to be saved:


Lock screen (LOCK SCREEN)


Can I have 2 or more different codes stored in one device?

You can have more on your phone, tablet or computer
different numerology codes

I can't pay with my card, what should I do?

If you have problems with your card, you can pay with PayPal.

Where can I find the free letter once it is sent ?

The free letter always arrives at the email address you have correctly registered.
If the letter is not in the main menu, look under updates, promotions, spam.

If you don’t find the letter there either, please check that you have confirmed all the details when you signed up for the newsletter and that you have made any changes to your email, phone and haven’t updated and confirmed them:

So next time you will receive a letter without any problems, but unfortunately not this time.

SMS messages

When I send a text message, it says that the keyword is unknown. What should I do ?

  • You may have sent the text message somewhere else before and need to retype the keyword and then send the question.

I sent a text message when it was posted on the fb wall and I didn't get a reply ?

Check with your mobile operator whether you are allowed to send SMS. Whether they have or have had any technical problems or whether you have sufficient resources.

I sent a text message and did not receive a reply. Why not ?

SMS replies only take place when the post is on the fb wall or if you send an SMS within the duration of the post.

When I send an SMS, I get options for other names as a keyword and I can't send an SMS. Why ?

You will receive a reply from Simpatel d.o.o., the provider of the SMS service. Mail:

Are there also oral, written consultations without SMS ?

SMS is the only option to receive the answers you are interested in during a certain period of time.

I sent a text message, I didn't get a reply, but the amount of one text message is still calculated. Why ?

You will not be charged for 1 SMS reply until you receive a reply. Please contact Simpatel d.o.o. for a reply and always write down what happened to you and include your phone number from which you sent the SMS:

I have more questions or need a more comprehensive explanation of what to do ?

Unfortunately, SMS replies are short and your question-questions have to be clear, specific, so that you receive such a reply ( SMS has a limit to the number of words it can send).

Can a general question be sent to a text message ?

  • No, because the SMS service has a limited number of words to reply to and general questions are not answered.

What do I need to do if I am sending an SMS question for the first time ?

If you are sending an SMS question for the first time send the keyword KARIN to 3040, once you accept the terms and conditions follow the text in the post on the fb wall

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