Success Points (2025)

Success is not a given. Only those who have walked its path and its pitfalls know what they have done or need to do to achieve it.

Business-Office-Legal success frequencies


The extraordinary numerological code of YOUR SUCCESS;

Second in line to the best activated also in 2024, a special new success frequency has been added along a shorter path, because this frequency clears congestion and obstacles faster and is only allowed for activation in 2025, when the full cycle of the 9-year cycle/9 is completed.

The code name and runtime have changed to directly target the data in the calculation with this added value; new success frequencies with the task of removing congestion, obstacles, problems faster.

  • Are you at a crossroads in your business story?
  • Having trouble waiting for a signature, an official document?
  • Are the problems of the business or the official segment complicated?
  • Does your success depend on other people’s decisions?
  • Looking to start a new career?
  • Are there changes happening in your workplace that are not good for you?
  • Are you in an official process where things get complicated?
  • Is there an important signature or interview ahead?
  • Do you have a vision but can’t find a way to realise your talent?
  • Are you going through a period of difficulties in the areas of money, official documents, business arrangements?
  • Can’t get credit?
  • Is a successful business path coming to a halt?
  • Are you in a cycle where financial transactions are not going in the right direction?
  • Are you in a period of urgency when you need to settle a matter on which your future depends?
  • Is there an important part coming to an end for you that needs protection ?
  • Do agreements happen and stop ?
  • Are unnecessary compromises being made and time for success being wasted ?
  • Need protection and success for your business project ?
  • Do you need protection and success in legal and official matters ?
  • Do you need protection and success in contracts ?
  • Do you need a quick-fix solution where you are not dependent-only on yourself ?

If you are found in only one of the written items, you have permission to activate the numerological code of the SUCCESS POINT.


They are all the necessary intertwinings to win in the business-corporate-legal segment of life. The frequencies that determine SUCCESS.

Running time 18 days

Time zone of the SUCCESS POINT code; 18 days in 2025.

Everything is precisely determined that on the turning point year everything will be subordinated in this code to YOUR GREAT SUCCESS.

Within the time when the numerological code of the POINT OF SUCCESS is activated, the frequencies of the 9 of them will activate SUCCESS in 2025 with the addition of a special frequency for the rapid withdrawal of problems, setbacks, obstacles even unnecessary compromises.

It will be important what is marked in the calculation, because this gives the frequencies in the algorithm their extraordinary power to succeed.

In 2025, such an important year in which the cycle of nine years is closing, YOU must have a really big success in business, official, legal relations.

Opportunity to succeed, win, get promoted

If one’s date of birth has no energy, is blocked in one or more time zones to fight external influences, be it time, circumstances, people, situations, one starts to lose. He starts making mistakes.

This often happens quite some time before a fall or a big problem, so it’s really good to activate the SUCCESS POINT code as soon as dark clouds appear or are on the horizon, so that the blockage in the arrival of the bad can be lifted immediately, because it often interferes with your personal life afterwards as well.

New items have been added to the calculation for this code, for a quicker route to success or out of trouble, and to directly target what you want as YOUR SUCCESS.

The success points that link the success story are intertwined in three important steps, so that they can create a breakthrough beyond the point at which a person has fallen.

And they create at least one GREAT starting point for a good outcome of negotiations, talks, agreements that activate the numerological code of the Success Point.

Remember that the SUCCESS POINT code is your protection even when you are doing well. Then your success is protected against failure, problems, losses.


Whenever a great cycle of a closed circle like the one in 2025 is coming to an end, be aware that the path of GREAT BREAKTHROUGH is ahead of you .

So for that fantastic success, whether it’s waiting a long time in legal matters, or needing financial resources, the right people, or standing at a crossroads in business when you don’t know what to do, you need those frequencies in the code for the completeness of the decision and unfortunately the negative side where the transactions with the problems take place, obstacles, there are problems with contracts, there are obstacles and delays with official documents, there is an energy that is unfriendly to you and your success, there is duplicity, there is a strong influence of people opposite you who do not wish you well.

The SUCCESS POINT code has everything you need in it.

Trust her and your success story will be your 2025 happiness line.

Where to save your SUCCESS POINT code

Save the SUCCESS POINT code where you have the most documents or contacts on your device, whether in person, on the phone or via email, that relate to your story.

The Success Point code activates documents, notes, drafts, contracts, people and interviews (written and verbal) and influences the path to your success.

  • Phone: home wallpaper, lock screen, phone book, picture gallery, icon.
  • Computer: save as desktop wallpaper or as an image file.
  • Tablet: Gallery, Android: My Files or File Manager, Apple: Files folder -> Downloads.

Your decision

It is always up to you to take the step, to make the decision. Not only when activating the SUCCESS POINT code, Everything always comes from you first. Every defeat or victory in your life. Remember how many of these were the right decisions and how many were the wrong ones. The SUCCESS POINT code has the decision of SUCCESS in it, you just have to decide if you really want this success.

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