The turning point of life


THE BREAKTHROUGH OF LIFE / time until the spring eclipses


The year 2025 goes into energy 9 from 29.1.2025 and the numerological new year will open.

On the day of the first full moon of the calendar year, it represents a new great beginning.


Right at the start of the journey, the energy of your colours, the cut of your clothes, will change.

It is this new beginning in which it will be necessary to react to the newness by activating a code or codes that will adapt both the colour and the cut of the garments to the year, specifically, first of all, to this period, where huge changes await you, then, when your garment of happiness will be shaped with special threads.


The time leading up to the Spring Eclipses is the time of destiny and the moments when you step on stage in 2025 with your new and most beautiful dress.

Wherever your position is on the stage, that’s how 2025 will unfold for you.

That’s why it will be so important that your steps stop in the middle of the stage, under the spotlight, where your garment will shine in all its beauty, while the people who have come to see your performance look at you and think about what they are doing to you now that they are looking at you in your beauty.

There will also be people with whom events must happen that the past has failed to contain.

And there will be no persons, because they will be barred from your premiere in 2025, who have caused you, through actions and events, a karmic line of broken stitches and exposed you to the loss that followed.

These are the broken seams you don’t want to experience again.

The ones that you do, where there is a thread to make the seams more beautiful than they were, will be experienced.


Most importantly, your new clothes.

The cut that will shape your year 2025

You have the colour, you know what you want, where you want to be with this dress, where you want your steps to be in a year that will bring together all the past eight years after the spotlight shines on you on the stage of life.

Allow yourself to be the best-best in a year that will define you and your horizons.

29.01.2025 at 09:00