Transition 2024/2025


The time of transition is so close…
Transition is always a hope and it is a journey.
It is something that connects with the energy of life.
We are on the timeline before the last full moon where the destiny of time and life will be activated for the last time this year.
We are a few days after the penultimate void moon on the destiny of the event.


That special dress of yours that might have been left in a closet or on a rack somewhere will shine on you.
Even the one you’re wearing for the first time.
Nothing will be too small, too short, too loose on your dress.
When you touch the 2024/2025 Transition with your first step, there will be a special magic between you and all the people you want to meet at this dance.
And so it will be with the events that will glow while you’re in your dress-exceptionally-attractive-glowing-attractive.

A dance floor transition in a hall that will have a piece of your story in 2024 in its energy, lit from all directions. After the steps of the exit tunnel, the hall will be extremely large, with festive colours, decoration, circles of transition, and will welcome you as if it had been waiting for you.


When your step hits the dance floor, you will choose your letter in a circle of 89 letters.
In it, a prediction will be waiting for you, inseparable from your date of birth, the moment in time of your step for the time to come, the passage to 2025 and what the past has to say to you.
The letter will be saved. Because it will be more than a personal announcement and will be the thread of all that you are, all that you want, all that awaits you, after the special frequencies in the extraordinary Transition code have connected with you, your story and embraced the whole year 2024.


Where all that is within you will happen to you.

Where the invisible threads of the good and the magical will connect, where destiny will follow your every dance step, your whispered conversations with others, your-your song, the renewed sparkle in your tired eyes and your laughter, reminding you of how important every step you took in 2024 was, even when the thread might have snapped or the zipper broke or the dress wasn’t delivered on time or was too small for that time, but the desire to wear it was so great.


Never a more beautiful person than you.
Never a greater happiness of the year that’s coming to an end.
And it won’t be a dream.
It will all happen… to YOU.

The passage of time of destiny in the hall of dreams and special hidden lucky records.
15.12.2024 at 07:00
