Not even the 2024 leap year in the shop window

What should I write in my first column so that the words will make sense and you will recognise the leap year journey in yourself? Today is a special day for me. All those threads of the past were intertwined, always special, with their reflection, where the light falling on them was always there when I needed it, they were also torn, barely sewn, too short, too long or just the right length, forgotten somewhere and found again, in all the colours that were important in the periods where my steps created the showcase. In fact, they have been stitching my story throughout the years. I believe that this is happening to you as well, perhaps today or in these days you are standing at a great crossroads in your life and the threads of the past are coming together to form the ball that you have carried with you for so long. A hat that can sew your most beautiful story.

Leap year and its power

The leap year is here. A year in which threads will play an important role. Year of destiny. A year in which you will have your own showcase of life through all the threads of events, stories, decisions, people and actions. The year that will determine. A year that will shine a powerful light on you when your shop window needs it. A year when you will shine in your shop window and people will stop, talk to each other, meet you in front of it, look at you, wonder, maybe be a little envious of your shop window, but you know, only you will know what you had to do to make it happen. Because regardless of all the surroundings, the voices, the touches, the friendly, the well-meaning, the loving and the ones that are the opposite, in the end, before the opening, it is YOU and your pulse.

Woven threads of the past: creating your life’s shop window

Now you choose the space, the colours, the shades, the position, the material, the little things, the big pieces that will go with it. You’ll be picking up the most beautiful pieces from the past, perhaps rebuilding them. There will also be some threads from the past that will sew on you that unforgettable story that you once saw somewhere in your mind, placed somewhere in your mind, identified yourself in. You have learned from the past what your shop window needs to be the most beautiful, because experience has taught you. People you’ve met for a short or long period of time. The people who stayed. Items that still have your attention. Feelings, memories, hindsight, thoughts, nostalgia and courage. In the present, you’ll make space for the past and the future in your shop window. Like that passage to which you add the most powerful colour of life. Because the threads of the past on all your journeys are long enough to sew that unforgettable story for you too.

You, in the most beautiful showcase of your life, is your story of Leap Year 2024.